

Andrejč, Gorazd (ed.). The Idea of Human Distinctiveness: Unavoidable or Untenable?; Special Issue of Sophia. Forthcoming in 2023;

Andrejč, Gorazd (ed.). Religion, Science and Technology in Pantheism, Animism and Paganism; Special Issue of Religions. Co-edited with Victoria Dos Santos. Forthcoming in 2022/23; Call for papers (deadline: 30 September 2022)

Herzfeld, Noreen. “Can Lethal Autonomous Weapons be Just?”, co-authored with Gen. Robert Latiff, Peace Review. Accepted/Forthcoming in 2021/22.

Herzfeld, Noreen. “The Eschatological Future of AI:  Utopia or Dystopia?”  In Cambridge Companion to AI, eds. Fraser Watts and Beth Singler. Forthcoming.

Furlan Štante, Nadja & Lenart Škof, eds., “Religion and Nature”, Special Issue of Poligrafi  26: 103-104 (2021). Forthcoming in 2021.

Andrejč, Gorazd. “The Problem of The Self-Ascription of Sainthood”, in Philosophy and Spiritual Life, eds. Tyler McNabb and Victoria Harrison, London: Routledge. Forthcoming in 2022.

Lenart Škof, Elemental Mystical Theology (Ljubljana: Slovenska matica, 2023). Forthcoming in 2023.


Škof, Lenart. “The Futurity of God“, The Journal for Cultural and Religious Theory 21/1 (Winter 2021-22). Part I. of the article is available at (Religious Theory – E-Supplement to The Journal for Cultural and Religious Theory).

Herzfeld, Noreen. 2021. “Surrogate, Partner, or Tool: How Autonomous Should Technology Be?” in The Robot Will See You Now: Theological, social and ethical implications of AI and robotics, eds. John Wyatt and Stephen Williams, SPCK.

Kersten, Carool. 2021. “Qiyama as Rebellion, Taqiyya as Hypercamouflage: The Political Theology of Reza Negarestani”, World Futures. DOI: 10.1080/02604027.2021.1974264.

Mertik, Matej. 2021. Pot na svobodo: Prosta in odprtokodna programska oprema. Alma Mater Press.

Herzfeld, Noreen. 2020. “AI: a New Neighbor or a Divisive Force,” in Techno-Sapiens in A Networked Era: Becoming Digital Neighbors, eds. Kutter Calloway and Ryan Bolger, Wipf and Stock.

Herzfeld, Noreen. 2020. “Do We Image God On-line?  The Opportunities and Challenges for Authentic Relationships in Cyberspace,” in Theology and Sexuality 26/2-3: 99-108.

Andrejč, Gorazd. 2020. “Radikalizacija in religijski ekstremizem v luči svobode religije in prepričanja”, Časopis za kritiko znanosti, domišljijo in novo antropologijo 48/280: 72-94.